Hell-O, I'm Valeria & there is nothing I love more than myself...& books. TV shows! Add food & traveling the whole world at that list.
My reviews? Pseudo reviews. But they are pretty.
Review down here:
This book deserves a huge
It was painful & frustrating.
There were moments where I just had to stop reading so my neural connections could restore themselves.
There is a lot that has been said about this book:
What, the world building is disastrous & as shaky & senseless?
Why, yes.
You spoiled off springs of the once hegemonic country, how you dare turn into a monarchy. Come on, caste monarchy world set (like) 300 years in the future in once U.S. federal ground, go home, you are drunk!
The names are weird?
Hell yes.
That girl THURSDAY (or was it Tuesday?) was kicked out by the end of the book, so I figure the Prince has no problems with names.
Though, by god's teeth, Kriss & Emmica did it to the final six *fans self*
The Characters are stupid?
Pretty much.
History isn’t something you study. It’s something you should just know.
Yes Ancient History, Art history, Pre-History, World History, Contemporary History & just every History Mayors all around the world, we are talking to YOU. Stop wasting your life studying something that you just should know, Jesus.
The only more or less interesting characters are America's maids. They are even MORE competitive than the Selected, for royalty's sake!
The cover is THE ONLY good thing about this book?
Well, yeah, I guess.
The cover is okay. Is not in any of my prettiest picks but, uh... still better than the book, that's for sure.
Phantom resistance groups with invisible goals?
Of course!
I am pretty sure their motives to dethrone the royal family are good. All I need is to met a couple of rebels so I can wish them to marry Maxon.
*Swoons* Best love story ever.
But of all those details are just the set up for the *drums roll* The International Setting.
Rant Internationalist Style!!
Seriously, be cool. Once. Please.
Many, many internationalist died while I was reading this book.
The author just kept throwing facts & ideas at the world building, that's a fact, but whenever she talked about other people & countries it was as if she had turned on the news for about 10 minutes to try to figure out the world's future.
& failed.
United States of China?!
The 3rd World War - Zaz! Heart attack.
Nobody says what happened with this IIIWW thing. It just... it apparently will happen eventually so why bother with the details?
Current War with "New Asia" - BAM! Brain Cancer.
China (& also North Korea, but com'on!) has been deeply demonized in the News & by the Government, so no wonder the new hegemonic power to unseat U.S. & turn it into... this country of Ilea is Asia.
& to put is Asia as a whole, you must be kidding!
Motives for the War that Started it All - Suck it, you just died.
So apparently Asia invaded U.S. because of the big debt it had with them.
First, do you know who loans that money to countries?
Nope, aliens is not the answer.
The whole world has a debt... with Intl. Organizations such as The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, other big Banks & even the UN has part on that.
U.S. - China relations are not easy, but still, now a days war is too expensive to risk it, for the Economy, money, rules the system. & the economic relation between the countries & its interdependence are far more important than whatever debt, & a whole war wouldn't happen because of that.
THEN the war complicated because Russia entered to the game.
Whoa, originality stroke.
As if 2 of every 5 movies didn't already have Russian bad guys all over the set.
Aside the non-existent plot, the underdevelopment of the characters & the house of cards the world building was, my biggest problem was dear America.
Hey, hey America, pssst.
Hey, America, over here!
*gives her the finger*
I wish your death by the end of the series!
Oh my God, I hate her so much.
America is one of those Stupidity by Birth cases where there is not salvation for her & therefore I die.
Is just... ugh, I seriously cannot express my frustration about her without repeating all over again just how stupid she is.
& shallow.
& "stubborn" (Selfish).
& can't quite picture the direct conflict between being poor & having up to 6 children.
& she, oh whoosh, hates war & dearest why must she wear shoes anyway?
Clearly I must be crazy because she's also all too beautiful AND incredible talented AND so very funny.
Naturally everyone loves her, because why not?
Who wouldn't love a goldfish? That's it, because she's as smart as a goldfish.
Oh, America.
*pictures how amazing would be to PUNCH her*
The caste division is... I don't know what it is. Some way to express just how screwed people can be. Either belong to the Royalty & be a One or be crap's crap when being born an Eight.
She is a cast #5.
An artist.
She sings.
She is AMERICA fucking SINGER, ladies & gentleman!!
In this world being a Five is like the middle of the spectrum, so while they are NOT privileged in any way, they aren't starving, either. Yet, every time the family's economical situation is hinted at, the 3 meals a day, popcorn while watching TV, showers & whatnot become invisible because they are Five & therefore poor.
Hmp, this is like a First World Dystopian, you know?
Where people complain & is unhappy without really embracing the magnitude of just how bad their situation can be.
America speaks 3 languages, for damn's sake!
Instead of thinking that the Dystopian aspect is underdone, I think that America (& the poor characters in general) do just exaggerate the facts, & like America's mom, they border greed, while the rich throw a lavish life style.
What is overdone, & this is a fact, is the corny-ness that drives the, um, lets call it plot, okay?
So America also has a dirty little boyfriend who is caste #6, lower than her, so if she marries him she'd be poorer.
Not that she minds.
Her mother would totally mind, hence the secret.
They've had this star-crossed romance for a while now, but shit is getting serious, so... Aspen (I just kept forgetting his name, seriously, I just couldn't remember, he's just "The Poor Guy") & America wonder about future & stuff while (take note) she feeds him with the left overs her starving family didn't eat.
But that is not the matter any more. Let him eat, poor dude.
The thing is that he is just as STUPID as she is!
You do deserve a better future dear beautiful amazing America, set yourself out to be a Selected & if you do it great. If not, then perhaps I can drag you down to this misery I call a #6's life.
God, kill him.
Quite frankly I think they're perfect together, oh my god, they should be married already, & for god's sake restrict themselves of having any children, with a stupidity as potentially huge as theirs.
So, as I was saying, The Selection.
There's the Monarchy's prince.
Such a long shot for anyone, if it wasn't for The Selection. This quasi The Bachelor thing that happens every time one Prince turns 18 & a Princess is needed.
So, why would our honey dear America not want to try out for The Selection?
Ah, yes, the stupid poor boyfriend.
& here I started to wonder about her intelligence.
For if she is one of those thirty-something selected, not the winner, not the second-to-last Selected to be kicked out, if she is a Selected & just a Selected, her family would have an economic compensation that would help them out lots.
Yeah, I roll my eyes at them & their "economy", but money is money & more is more so...
Oh, but miss selfish says Osh, but the love of my life is here, dearest!
Then a miracle conveniently happens & that's why we get 200 more pages on her life as a Selected for possible princess.
Gosh, but the poor thing has a boyfriend & there is a handsome prince around now, hmp. Poor little thing, in the middle of this nightmare.
But, hey, is worth it, because the dudes in this books are smexy(!!)
For what I gathered Illea is a slim but long country with a lot of citizens. Who said 35/1,000,000 girls to pick up is a good idea? Is a great idea for the girls, & I think there's just that.
No more ways to see this.
Now, the competition.
35 chicks fighting for the crown... & the prince. Don't forget they are also fighting for the prince.
Nobody is as civilized.
In any random world, they would be at each other throat's letting the competition get out the best of them. Yet, almost all the girls are friendly & lovable & wish such good luck to each other.
I hoped to see the blood bath all along, I needed to see someone die! *shakes head disappointingly*
The worst one participant did was... ah, the other's stared at America funny *shrug* What, everyone has ever loved her, of course funny looks are bad.
Funny looks can be scary as hell!
Our honey dear was hated because the other 75% of the people here thought she'd be the perfect queen.
Now the other randomly main character (aside Americas perfect red hair);
The Prince.
Maxon, is way (a little, just this little) smarter than the general population in this book.
Perhaps a bit sweeter than the poor guy (I mean naive, well mannered & somewhat educated);
&, duh, HE'S A RICH goddamn PRINCE.
I am not particularly rooting for him. Hell no, I don't want someone like America to end Queen, god what a blasphemy(!) He's just the least worst thing around.
*deep breath*
Ah, I feel better now.
I still wish America to die...
... Or at least the be dumped epic style by Maxon.
Poor dude, seriously. He was looking for a wife & instead he found a stupid bitch with dumb-ex-boyfriend issues & selfish as a golden retriever.
He's probably Bad Luck Brian's descendant or something...
Also, whoever want to exchange this book with me?
I'm open to offers!
You could have a wonderful time reading this!
THANK YOU Universe.
I traded this successfully!
*Happily dances till sunrise*
"To them, as to Magnus, time was like rain, glittering as it fell, changing the world, but also something that could be taken for granted.
Until you loved a mortal. Then time became gold in a miser's hands, every bright year counted out carefully, infinitelly precious, and each one slipping through your fingers."
There are *counts with fingers* ...
One trilogy that is about to be a movie;
another trilogy that is quite my favorite & which conclusion I'm desperately waiting for;
an expanded trilogy for the first trilogy that is SO NOT going well for me;
and a new trilogy coming up.
& yet, there is THIS stories announcement. If it was, like, any other thing I'd be like *shrug* I could check it up.
Magnus Bane.
Do I have to say why I am so excited? He's one of the motives I kept reading TMI. Because he's AWESOME!! & knows how to have fun.
This gets 3.5*'s
The first 2 stories are rather meh-ish; REALLY meh-ish. & Ragnor is such a boring, party killer dude.
Can't you get immortal friends that are more active, Magnus, dear?
Like Catarina!
Who is she? I want to know her better.
The other 2 stories are worth a little more, to know Magnus in the inside & to feel for him an both happy & pity ways.
They don't say why, exactly, he got banned, so I'll just assume the countless crimes, parties & adventures Magnus had over the years got at the Peruvian warlock's patience (who are all boring dudes, like Ragnor) & he got banned.
Once & for all.
& that's it.
Well now, there is no point in immortality, unless you have someone to share it with, that's it.
Poor Magnus, really.
I like him SO much, & man, he endures... *sigh*
Oh my god, that end was hysterical! Whether that fact is good or bad, I just can't tell yet. I am... frustrated & excited & worried all at the same time, which means I am living my own version of FREAKING out.
Dear Sydney has a hell of fun in this book.
She's trying to take down the Alchemists;
Readies herself to fight magic with magic;
(Not) Loves the enemy;
All that in Femme Fatale high heels. A totally dangerous lady, I loved the lengths Sydney went to, including certain hot guy...
Anyway, I fell for this twistedly woven plot & the things going on. It was a far shout from The Warriors of Light thing, which was... well, they are crazy(!), compared with what happens in here, they are rather meh-ish.
Sydney's hands are full in here, with two different threads going on. The real deal is to fight the Alchemists & find a way to break free, though all that work would be for nothing if she doesn't survive the mysterious attacks to young witches going on, staring Mrs. Terwilliger's sister.
The mind breaker starts here.
By the end of The Golden Lily Sydney had pretty much accepted the fact that Moroi & Damphirs can be a lot of things, but evil & unholy by nature they are not.
She is beginning to judge by her own ideas, specially regarding Moroi, now that it is something The Alchemists have always told her, & Alchemists are not reliable source just now.
Oooh, no.
Those guys are going DOWN.
Just as hard as it is, Sydney is determined to find out what other lies she's been told & deal with what she finds. Sydney is taking huge risks, starting with the M-word.
She's hitting the MAGIC!
Because * drums-roll* the witches are in town!
Okay, shock down. She's still somewhat ugh, unnatural stuff like, though that nagging voice (thankfully!) shuts the hell up to give in survival instincts. She HAS to practice, & into her logic, it is the right thing to do. Let the magic rush begin! Fire ball, ancient dragons, scrying stuff... ALL those spells (the Callistana!) are badass & I want to learn them.
“Maybe you're graduating from fireballs to lightning bolts," Adrian suggested.
Differently from the warriors, at least Veronica, Ms. Terwilliger's sister, has a schedule to follow. Her plan is to get the youth out of young witches & move on to the next. I'd have liked to shake her hand or something.
Such a vain witch.
Mrs. Terwilliwer is the right amount of knowledge & sarcasm to settle the balance, & I love her. Yet, seeing her in such... depression, torment of what her sister was doing, was so frustrating. I thought she would break & then, what would happen to us?
With Sydney's magic?
Having Mrs. Terwilliwer as my Magic teacher would be the great finale of a relatively short list of awesome teachers.
Why not?
I am going to end up with 13 cats, anyway.
Hmp, well... I do believe that Sydney's willingness to go & practice came from the possibility of dead by youth-sucking plus the fact that Adrian was supporting her on the matter.
Ooh, Adrian!!
*love love love*
"I wasn’t that crazy on spirit when I said you’re my flame in the dark. We chase away the shadows around each other."
I can't seriously talk about Sydney without adding Adrian just as I can't talk about Adrian without adding Sydney; they are just PERFECT together.
Totally made for each other.
The have become Sydrian(!) for love's sake.
“Do you want me to call you Celery Stick instead of Cupcake or Honey-Pie? It just doesn’t inspire the same warm and fuzzy feelings.”
What I liked the most about the new development on their relationship is just how real it felt.
Sydney's wholeness hurts, period.
She has a thing about control, & yet, there are those feelings she cannot control, that came out of nowhere & that she cannot understand. Really, being in love without even knowing it yet, having all those things inside one, is a pretty scary thing.
It'd scare the shit out of me.
Plus, the more she tried not to think about him (about his kiss(es)) the MORE he's there, in her mind.
Like a physical pain.
Which was funny & wrenching at the same time.
Now, Adrian.
I liked, LOVED, Adrian's attitude in this book.
I have always liked him, ever since his Little Damphir thing going on, he got me. Even so, somewhere along the line in the last couple of VA books, he lost himself. He was more depressed (& drunk) most of the time, which... no.
Just no.
But since Sydney appeared there's... something for him. May be because he's now a guy truly in love & has found the right girl for him, his purpose in life, IDK.
He was a total cheating jackass about his approaching toward Sydney & I just loved it. He played a rather tricky (& really awesome!) game with her that was an all-or-nothing.
“I'll just love you whether you want me to or not.”
Basically, he's calling the shoots.
Yeah, apparently he sulked a lot & was a total bitch the first weeks after their is-not-a-break-up thing.
Well, duh, of course he'd be upset. Who wouldn't?
BUT, he gets to his feet, & I love it.
He actually started thinking & pulled out the smart ass card (just as fun & great as ever!!), & decided to fight for the girl he loved, even if to win her, he had to fight against her.
He knows exactly why she feels that way toward vampires, just as well as he knows that she has feelings for him too. That's why with every angelical move he made there was an edge of desperation in his actions, because, what if I lose her?
What if?
& why why why...
When Adrian asks her WHY her words were against her reaction toward him I kind of... I wanted to cry, damn it!
His desperation.
& there's her frustration.
Both their confusions.
I would have been crying was I her in that situation.
But oh, the Fiery Heart reference! That's so beautiful; I love you Adrian. She should totally seal her tattoo in indigo with the Fiery Heart symbol Adrian made!!!
All this rhetorical whooshing about love & fears & perfect love takes me straight to Marcus Finch.
Damn Marcus, stop smiling, you idiot.
Marcus was... just there. Him being in the cover & all that stuff going on was just too big.
Marcus has defied the Alchemists & is the key point for Sydney to start defying the Alchemist's too, for what I have a soft spot for him, even if that spot is more metaphorical than anything else.
That's it, because Marcus Finch is more metaphorical than anything else.
He has his owns plan, that nothing have to do with Sydney's.
Besides, Sydney is just facing the lying she grew up with & is putting herself in great danger; what Marcus has to offer is too little. There are Jill, Eddie, (Adrian!!!) & Angeline that she cares for. She'd rather use whatever she unveils to help those she loves, instead of joining a group-ish.
Good Sydney. ILY.
Though, I suspect Marcus will come back?
Maybe when the Warriors of Light come back, too (with those plans I'm beginning to fear, I tell you)?
The Fiery heart...
Okay, so, that end. You know how much I identify with dear Sydney, though just after... after THAT, she wen't full YOLO & damn it, Sydney!
Why would you do that?
Fuck it, why you did it?
Being in contact with Marcus was dangerous enough, asking about him was dangerous, & then you go & do careless stuff. THAT is not you! Just a phone call may have been messed it all up.
& then what happens next... (A&S)!!
& what comes next...!
Mixed feelings.
Mixed feelings everywhere.
The end brings a lot of things to my conspiracy-theory self. It is a warning, all right, but as it could ultimately make things easier... it could mess it all.
Mess THIS up!
See? They even look like Sydney & Adrian!
Oh, please, no *sniff*
Oh my god, that end was <i>hysterical</i>! Whether that fact is good or bad, I just can't tell yet. I am... frustrated & excited & worried all at the same time, which means I am living my own version of FREAKING out.
Dear Sydney has a hell of fun in this book.
She's trying to take down the Alchemists;
Readies herself to fight magic with magic;
(<i>Not</i>) Loves the enemy;
All that in <i>Femme Fatale</i> high heels. A totally dangerous lady, I loved the lengths Sydney went to, including certain <b>hot</b> guy...
Anyway, I fell for this twistedly woven plot & the things going on. It was a far shout from The Warriors of Light thing, which was... well, they are crazy(!), compared with what happens in here, they are rather meh-ish.
Sydney's hands are full in here, with two different threads going on. The real deal is to fight the Alchemists & find a way to break free, though all that work would be for nothing if she doesn't survive the mysterious attacks to young witches going on, staring Mrs. Terwilliger's sister.
The mind breaker starts here.
By the end of <a href="http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/208451004">The Golden Lily</a> Sydney had pretty much accepted the fact that Moroi & Damphirs can be a lot of things, but evil & unholy by nature they are not.
She is beginning to judge by her own ideas, specially regarding Moroi, now that it is something The Alchemists have always told her, & Alchemists are not reliable source just now.
Oooh, no.
<i>Those guys are going DOWN.</i>
Just as hard as it is, Sydney is determined to find out what other lies she's been told & deal with what she finds. Sydney is taking huge risks, starting with the M-word.
She's hitting the MAGIC!
Because * drums-roll* the witches are in town!
Okay, shock down. She's still somewhat <i>ugh, unnatural stuff</i> like, though that nagging voice (thankfully!) shuts the hell up to give in survival instincts. She HAS to practice, & into her logic, it is the right thing to do. Let the magic rush begin! Fire ball, ancient dragons, scrying stuff... ALL those spells (the Callistana!) are badass & I want to learn them. <blockquote>“Maybe you're graduating from fireballs to lightning bolts," Adrian suggested.</blockquote>Differently from the warriors, at least Veronica, Ms. Terwilliger's sister, has a schedule to follow. Her plan is to get the youth out of young witches & move on to the next. I'd have liked to shake her hand or something.
Such a vain witch.
Mrs. Terwilliwer is the right amount of knowledge & sarcasm to settle the balance, & I love her. Yet, seeing her in such... depression, torment of what her sister was doing, was so frustrating. I thought she would break & then, what would happen to us?
With Sydney's magic?
Having Mrs. Terwilliwer as my <i>Magic</i> teacher would be the great finale of a relatively short list of awesome teachers.
Why not?
I am going to end up with 13 cats, anyway.
Hmp, well... I do believe that Sydney's willingness to go & practice came from the possibility of dead by youth-sucking <i>plus</i> the fact that Adrian was supporting her on the matter.
Ooh, <b>Adrian</b>!!
*love love love*<blockquote>"I wasn’t that crazy on spirit when I said you’re my flame in the dark. We chase away the shadows around each other."</blockquote>I can't seriously talk about Sydney without adding Adrian just as I can't talk about Adrian without adding Sydney; they are just PERFECT together.
Totally made for each other.
The have become Sydrian(!) for love's sake. <blockquote>“Do you want me to call you Celery Stick instead of Cupcake or Honey-Pie? It just doesn’t inspire the same warm and fuzzy feelings.”</blockquote> What I liked the most about the new development on their relationship is just how real it felt.
Sydney's wholeness hurts, period.
She has a thing about control, & yet, there are those feelings she cannot control, that came out of nowhere & that she cannot understand. Really, being in love without even knowing it yet, having all those things inside one, is a pretty scary thing.
It'd scare the shit out of me.
Plus, the more she tried not to think about him (about his kiss(es)) the MORE he's there, in her mind.
Like a physical pain.
Which was funny & wrenching at the same time.
Now, Adrian.
I liked, LOVED, Adrian's attitude in this book.
I have always liked him, ever since his <i>Little Damphir</i> thing going on, he got me. Even so, somewhere along the line in the last couple of VA books, he lost himself. He was more depressed (& drunk) most of the time, which... no.
Just no.
But since Sydney appeared there's... something for him. May be because he's now a guy truly in love & has found the right girl for him, his purpose in life, IDK.
He was a total cheating jackass about his approaching toward Sydney & I just loved it. He played a rather tricky (& really awesome!) game with her that was an all-or-nothing. <blockquote>“I'll just love you whether you want me to or not.”</blockquote> Basically, he's calling the shoots.
Yeah, apparently he sulked a lot & was a total bitch the first weeks after their is-not-a-break-up thing.
Well, duh, of course he'd be upset. Who wouldn't?
BUT, he gets to his feet, & I love it.
He actually started <i>thinking</i> & pulled out the smart ass card (just as fun & great as ever!!), & decided to fight for the girl he loved, even if to win her, he had to fight <i>against</i> her.
He knows exactly why she feels that way toward vampires, just as well as he knows that she has feelings for him too. That's why with every angelical move he made there was an edge of desperation in his actions, because, <i>what if I lose her?</i>
What if?
& why why why...
When Adrian asks her WHY her words were against her reaction toward him I kind of... I wanted to cry, damn it!
His desperation.
& there's her frustration.
Both their confusions.
I would have been crying was I her in that situation.
But oh, the <a href="http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/455007430">Fiery Heart</a> reference! That's so beautiful; I love you Adrian. <spoiler>She should totally seal her tattoo in indigo with the Fiery Heart symbol Adrian made!!!</spoiler>
All this rhetorical whooshing about love & fears & perfect love takes me straight to Marcus Finch.
Damn Marcus, stop smiling, you idiot.
Marcus was... just there. Him being in the cover & all that stuff going on was just too big.
Marcus has defied the Alchemists & is the key point for Sydney to start defying the Alchemist's too, for what I have a soft spot for him, even if that spot is more metaphorical than anything else.
That's it, because Marcus Finch is more metaphorical than anything else.
He has his owns plan, that nothing have to do with Sydney's.
Besides, Sydney is just facing the lying she grew up with & is putting herself in great danger; what Marcus has to offer is too little. There are Jill, Eddie, (Adrian!!!) & Angeline that she cares for. She'd rather use whatever she unveils to <i>help</i> those she loves, instead of joining a group-ish.
Good Sydney. ILY.
Though, I suspect Marcus will come back?
Maybe when the Warriors of Light come back, too (with those plans I'm beginning to fear, I tell you)?
The Fiery heart...
Okay, so, that end. You know how much I identify with dear Sydney, though just after... after THAT, she wen't full YOLO & damn it, Sydney!
Why would you do that?
Fuck it, why you did it?
Being in contact with Marcus was dangerous enough, <i>asking</i> about him was dangerous, & then you go & do careless stuff. THAT is not you! Just a phone call may have been messed it all up.
& then what happens next... <i>(A&S)</i>!!
& what comes <i>next</i>...!
Mixed feelings.
Mixed feelings everywhere.
The end brings a lot of things to my conspiracy-theory self. It is a warning, all right, but as it could ultimately make things easier... it could mess it all.
Mess THIS up! <spoiler><img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BEFrG9WCQAA2VaM.jpg:large" width="350" height="260" alt="description"/>
<i>See? They even look like Sydney & Adrian!</spoiler>
Oh, please, no *sniff*
Oh my gods, it is over! Why, even if I tried, seriously tried, to read this slowly & enjoy it & LOVE it... the end came too quickly, damn it. Le sigh.
Anyway, without further ado I present to you... Scarlet!!
AKA Little Red Ridding Hood in other circles. Scarlet is just like this...
Though her hair is fire-red;
& wears a red hoodie & jeans;
& carries a gun with her...;
But she totally gets a Wolf for herself.
Bringing the thing on, I loved Scarlet... the book, though dear Scarlet girl was also a kick ass heroine to love. She is way different from Cinder, & turned out to be just as I didn't expect her to be, for I had somehow pictured her as an alternate version, hold-the-place-for, of Cinder.
Which she wasn't.
Which is great.
Whenever I figured out, to my fan-girl dismay, that a new (co)protagonist was entering I was... nervous?
Ready to ravage a city?
I just had loved Cinder so much, & to face a new chick all over again when I had just found her was... well. You know. But never fear my fears, for Scarlet is not anything like that. I should have known better; Scar has her very own personality, & a shitload of her own plot & place in the story.
She is angry & straight forward, harsh & screams her mind out & (I think) looks at you with that shut-the-fuck-up glare while she goes & does what she wants.
She's such a badass!
There were even moments where I thought she would beat the shit out of Wolf!
The BIG Bad Wolf(!)
Ah, Wolf...
I don't want to talk about him.
Apparently, my subconscious has made a point on developing a crush on all the male characters on this book under the age of 30.
For one, Kai remains my one true swoon-love.
“I don’t see that her being cyborg is relevant.”
Oh, Kai. Why?
No; No; NoNoNoNoNo.
Don't do it!! Don't screw things, please, I love you too much for that. You ARE to gorgeous for THAT.
Kai has a mildly share of appearances on Scarlet, he's emperor now! But still, I missed Kai-with-Cinder.
Kai-with-Political-Adviser is just not quite as hot.
Now, enters another new to-swoon-for-lonely-boy!
Even, there is this little part of me that want Cinder & him to try it, just to make (somehow) Kai leave all stupidity & run for her."I know, I know. She seems a little [crazy], but it's really part of her charm, once you get to know her.
As long as Thorne gets to be single again, that's it.
I mean, if Kai is Cinder's *sniff* & Wolf Scarlet's, well, Thorne can be Valeria's, right?
Is not like he'll end up being Cress' or Winter's, RIGHT?
There, that's my fear now. Fear my fear, people.
Besides, he's a global level thief, which, in this sci-fic/fairy-tale world, makes him even sexier.
Umm, so...
So... Wolf. Here is Scarlet's prequel, where people like Wolf is... introduced. IDK, there were moments where I was sighing lovingly at him, then I was willing Scarlet to shoot him with her really badass gun, so obviously, our relationship is off.
Is just by the end that he redeemed himself with moi.
I don't know if it if because Red Riding Hood fairy-tale is really short & straight forward on its nature (not one of my favorites), but that's how Scarlet's & Wolf thing felt.
Too fast.
Too to-the-point.
One thing is for sure, I admired Scarlet's willingness to go for it with everything that was going on & afterwards, but that doesn't mean I will not question her on the matter.
On the other hand, I also liked the POV she has for him, once she discovers about his nature. The Man vs Animal thing. Scarlet really sees him as he is & what he is, so I wouldn't doubt her feelings for him are not real.
As for Wolf, he has his Alpha of the Pack instincts to blame.
"Maybe Jael's control worked against him, because my instincts tell me to protect you... Alpha female, I sort of like that."
*wiggles eyebrows* He's such a charmer.
Turns out Levana's evil plan is on its tracks; Her E-vil-ness has been working on finding her beloved niece Selene, & she would be THIS close, if it wasn't because there's certain Lunar/Cyborg who told her she wasn't pretty.
Oh, Cinder *hugs*
I am somewhat happy that she has Thorne as a sidekick on the run; he just makes everything funnier, & oh does Cinder need a leverage on her worries. What is best than a funny guy who won't get offended as target?
Having distracted Levana enough to make everyone find her or else, she'll declare war (again) to Earth is already a stress factor. Plus lost princess plus most wanted criminal?
Hmp, thanks Thorne.
Now that the storyline focuses on Red Ridding Hood, Cinder's movements are more unpredictable. Her character is free to move around the plot, which I, of course, find AWESOME.
What I loved the most on the Plot/Cinder aspect is that I FINALLY could fill the blanks on how is that she was brought to Earth;
Where did she spend all that time?
& What happened to her memories?
ALL is unraveled! As a theories prove-er, I was into the revelations going on, specially when I found out how & why Scarlet was so important in Cinder's life.
Well, Scarlet's grand-mere *rises eyebrow*
All tough girls. ALL.
So, as I said somewhere above, I liked Scarlet very much, but as I verified whenever she & Cinder FINALLY crossed paths by the end of the book (which I wish had happened sooner) & they fought & shared theories & stuff, Cinder remained my champion.
Why, I just feel more identified with her!!
(Just as I love Kai more than Wolf). Apparently, I couldn't stop comparing them at the end (sorry?).
Though, next enters Cress,so, we'll see.
Dear Marissa Meyer:
I am very grateful for that end. I WILL be able to focus this semester & spend not-so-much-time theorizing about Crees.
But, still, hurry up & keep writing (that you do awesomely!!)
This is not going to be a review. This is a shit where I'll express how much this book disappointed me & where I point out how it wouldn't have done such thing.
Therefore, consider yourself warned.
I'm gonna rage & I'm gonna do it spoilerishly right.
*Deep, resigned, damned sigh*
Okay. Here's the thing; since the very first book, this saga has been a Guilty Pleasure.
A Guilty Pleasure.
This means it is NOT excellent or awesome, but has something (good enough) that made me obsess over it.
Now, ALL along the way, my biggest problem was *drum rolls* yep, KELSEY!
Yes, yes.
Before, she was way too naive & stupid, but there was one point where she wasn't THAT bad 'cause she improved... until she hit the ceiling in her way up & fell LOWER than ever.
& that's because in this 4th & last book, she wasn't just stupid (MORE stupid than you could ever believe possible), she took a PhD on DRAMA, too!!
& what do we think about dramatic people? NOT today~
I really wouldn't like to do it, but I will make a recap since book one 'cause I'm upset & I'm just this contreras.
First of, Tiger's Curse had me at the edge of HATE until half the book passed & I ended up loving it. Specially the end; OMG, The End of Tiger's Curse is GREAT in a very particular, bittersweet way.
Shortly after, I started Tiger's Quest & please! Somebody hold me! Just remembering how & why I loved it is worth the rave.
Because Kelsey loved Ren & Ren loved kelsey, & destiny was like Why, fuck you two, so BITTER-SWEET. Bitter-sweetness Everywhere.
THEN, I painfully waited for Tiger's Voyage... & everything got screwed up. Half screwed, because I THOUGHT I got it, but still, WTF. (& I'm not talking about the Amnesia thing, but about the Oh, but... I did a promise part. *RAGE*).
Tiger's Voyage is where the whole saga went downhill, because HERE enters the Love Triangle.
You ask, How's possible there's a Love Triangle if Kelsey & Ren so obviously love each other. Even a blind foe could see how that way the story line is perfect. RIGHT?
Well, I tell you, Kishan is a very interesting character... 'CAUSE HE's THE ONLY OE WHO DOESN't SEE IT.
& wants the chick for himself, too.
So, here's where I start with Tiger's Destiny.
As messed up as their love life is, the Curse is still unbroken.
The Rope of Fire is the last of Durga's gift & the world-to-visit is Fire themed, obviously.
Again, the mythology, the world, the everything else but Kelsey (& now Kishan's attitude. You'll see) was awesome.
If anything, this book lacked sarcasm. I remember i started liking Kelsey (In Tiger's Curse) because she & Ren fought all the time & she would throw some great arrogantly-sarcasticly answers.
If just this would had happened again... *sad sigh*
This book was a tad faster than the others, mainly because the quest was completed pretty quick & the other half of the book consisted on Time Travel to the past to defeat Lokesh.
*sigh* Those Indiana Jones adventures.
So good. I'm gonna miss them.
They hold most of my love for the series. Is the LOVE part in our love/hate relationship.
But, self-pity, selfishness, stupidity? Gee, NO! Those are the HATE part.
& that's what I want to talk about. & I won't talk about the Love part because too complex & way too spoiler-ish.
Is the Curse. If you want to know about that, read the book.
NOW, brace yourself.
I have to say it. I am the Relationship Runner kind of girl. Specially if I don't feel like... um, you know, Golden Light from heaven & that shit.
Why would I have a hollow relationship? Fuck off, no!
But I WANT to think that even with the Light showering you, when you know you're in love, is fair to run, as long as are clear with the other person & you return whenever your self-issues are healed.
For instance, Kelsey had already run from Ren once; truck-loaded with self issues. Her pain; loneliness; fear; etc.
But she returned to him.
Then, both got fucked by destiny & she wasn't confident enough to hold on & the self issues returned stronger & screwed up. Even when Ren returned to her (& you know he didn't go because of Self Issues), she just couldn't.
That's NOT fair. Shouldn't be legal.
& even MORE illegal, to be with other guy (Kishan) because that seems "safer"... NO!
What's wrong with you, Kelsey??
She says Ren has a Super Hero complex, so (maybe) trying to save her (or, yeah, any other worthless soul, why not?) he would put himself in risk & (probably) DIE. So, if she is NOT with him, if she is with a guy who meh, is okay & nice, he won't die.
*Here, use THIS spot to snort ALL you want. Take the time you need*
...*More time needed? Sure. I'll hold on*...
Well, as I was saying, Kelsey fills the pages with self-pity because the people around her (her parents, her grandma... & just people in general), have the tendency to die.
Gee, Kells, BREAKING NEWS, People DIE. All the TIME!
&, as the Phoenix says, living a life where you fear the loss of your loved ones is a particularly wasted life.
Specially if you parade yourself with your boyfriend in front of the man you love.
In Tiger's Destiny, the Self Issues created by Ren's Amnesia should have had time to HEAL. Kelsey needed time to recover (ALONE) & then decide what to do with Ren or Kishan.
She doesn't do that!
Such thing NEVER happens!! (& I blame Colleen Houck).
That's just WRONG!!!
Because Kishan's like Hey, are we a couple now? At Tiger's Voyage, & Kelsey is all *shrug* Yes. Ren's gone, anyway.
Ren comes back & yeah, she was issued-up, fine. Be conflicted between the guys, you can; pero no te pases(!).
Try to heal, dear. Is called character improvement.
AND THEN, comes malefic Lokesh & kidnaps her.
Talk about self issues.
She was about to start a Long Life of suffering by Lokesh's side, & when the guys rescue her, she's just like, Nailed. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, about mess up the whole saga.
She doesn't heal.
& that's why the characters in this book will need a date with the mans on white.
Now, even if Ren & Anamika would never burn each other, I liked how they spent time together.
Don't take me wrong. I mean that things were really unfair for Ren here. He was really HURT, & I think he had some time of relaxation staying with Anamika all that time.
Good for him.
On the other hand, I LOVED younger Durga. She's not just the goddess known as India's Mother, but also used to be a warrior badass.
Since Tiger's Quest it was very obvious that Kishan was hers... we just didn't know how such thing would happen. So, whenever they meet in the past, it was GREAT the fact that they disliked each other(!)
Cheers for it, I loved their fights!
I just wish there would have been MORE fights & MORE time for them to develop together. Whenever it turned out Anamika needed a tiger, it just seemed forced.
You couldn't really expect them to have a happily ever after together.
Though, I loved how natural Kishan flowed at the usual meeting with Durga at the beginning.
She's sure a smart chick.
But, but, but... Kishan, dear, you are DEAD to me.
So, we already stated Kishan has vision problems, but really, how can he do THAT to his brother?
That's just plain selfish!
He KNOWS how Ren has loved Kelsey since... always. But oh, no. HE's the one who's been lusting over her since ALWAYS, & the one Yesubay (she was named Yesubay, right?) deceived, so sure enough HE MUST deserve Kelsey more than his brother, RIGHT?
Not really.
"Ren CAN get over it". (Kishan Actually says that. A trillion times).
He knows Kelsey has been in a radish-metaphor Love with Ren since ALWAYS too, but oh, no! Hey gorgeous, I'm desperately looking for the meaning of life. & this is my chance, feel sorry for me & be with this guy!
REN HAS TO ACCEPT IT. *Bangs soul against imaginary wall*
Bitch. Please.
& you know which the worst part it? KELSEY DOES SO!
Oh, no! I PROMISED Kishan he would get a Happy ending & he MUST. Even if I have to spend the rest of my worthless life doing SO.
Also, Kishan was the Perfect Bad Boy. Perfect. But he changed his behavior & put himself at Kelsey-level.
Fuck it, that's why I hated him the most. He lost himself for someone else.
That's disturbing.
That means he could never be his true self around Kelsey or the Spell would break.
You guys, my head spins. This is too much.
So, to finish it up, THAT End. Not really what I'd have expected. Of course, was due to happen sooner than later but... er. Well.
I just can't believe Kelsey didn't want the henna tattoo because that brought SAD Memories. *Bitch slap*
Fini. I'm DONE.
Oh, no, WAIT.
Obviously, in this book I HATED Kishan. But one thing really, REALLY unfair for him is that he & Kelsey never had The Talk. The one that says I don't really love you THAT way. See ya!
Kishan stays in the past & he's like Yeah, I know you feel tiny butterflies with Ren, Kelsey, I KNOW. So kiss me Good Bye.
Kelsey NEVER had the mind-fuck guts to go & be HONEST with him (whether he deserved it or not, because he KNEW & didn't want to face it.)
The Love-Triangle was awful, yes. But This book would have had at least 4*'s if, like, at the middle, Kelsey would had dumped Kishan, er, I mean, if by the middle Kelsey would had been honest with Kishan, Ren & Herself.
By this I mean that if she stayed SINGLE the rest of the 4th quest (I mean, if she had said NO to Kishan's marriage proposal, for bitch's sake), focused in the Curse, coming to terms with the insides of her heart later (probably in the past, when they are about to defeat Lockeh hand-by-hand, with Anamika as judge of her action), I wouldn't have raged THIS BAD, because, at least, there wouldn't had been so much Oh, no! drama & self-pity.
This is not going to be a review. This is a shit where I'll express how much this book disappointed me & where I point out how it wouldn't have done such thing.
Therefore, consider yourself warned.
I'm gonna rage & I'm gonna do it spoilerishly right.
*Deep, resigned, damned sigh*
Okay. Here's the thing; since the very first book, this saga has been a Guilty Pleasure.
A Guilty Pleasure.
This means it is NOT excellent or awesome, but has something (good enough) that made me obsess over it.
Now, ALL along the way, my biggest problem was *drum rolls* yep, KELSEY!
Yes, yes.
Before, she was way too naive & stupid, but there was one point where she wasn't THAT bad 'cause she improved... until she hit the ceiling in her way up & fell LOWER than ever.
& that's because in this 4th & last book, she wasn't just stupid (MORE stupid than you could ever believe possible), she took a PhD on DRAMA, too!!
& what do we think about dramatic people? NOT today~
I really wouldn't like to do it, but I will make a recap since book one 'cause I'm upset & I'm just this contreras.
First of, Tiger's Curse had me at the edge of HATE until half the book passed & I ended up loving it. Specially the end; OMG, The End of Tiger's Curse is GREAT in a very particular, bittersweet way.
Shortly after, I started Tiger's Quest & please! Somebody hold me! Just remembering how & why I loved it is worth the rave.
Because Kelsey loved Ren & Ren loved kelsey, & destiny was like Why, fuck you two, so BITTER-SWEET. Bitter-sweetness Everywhere.
THEN, I painfully waited for Tiger's Voyage... & everything got screwed up. Half screwed, because I THOUGHT I got it, but still, WTF. (& I'm not talking about the Amnesia thing, but about the Oh, but... I did a promise part. *RAGE*).
Tiger's Voyage is where the whole saga went downhill, because HERE enters the Love Triangle.
You ask, How's possible there's a Love Triangle if Kelsey & Ren so obviously love each other. Even a blind foe could see how that way the story line is perfect. RIGHT?
Well, I tell you, Kishan is a very interesting character... 'CAUSE HE's THE ONLY OE WHO DOESN't SEE IT.
& wants the chick for himself, too.
So, here's where I start with Tiger's Destiny.
As messed up as their love life is, the Curse is still unbroken.
The Rope of Fire is the last of Durga's gift & the world-to-visit is Fire themed, obviously.
Again, the mythology, the world, the everything else but Kelsey (& now Kishan's attitude. You'll see) was awesome.
If anything, this book lacked sarcasm. I remember i started liking Kelsey (In Tiger's Curse) because she & Ren fought all the time & she would throw some great arrogantly-sarcasticly answers.
If just this would had happened again... *sad sigh*
This book was a tad faster than the others, mainly because the quest was completed pretty quick & the other half of the book consisted on Time Travel to the past to defeat Lokesh.
*sigh* Those Indiana Jones adventures.
So good. I'm gonna miss them.
They hold most of my love for the series. Is the LOVE part in our love/hate relationship.
But, self-pity, selfishness, stupidity? Gee, NO! Those are the HATE part.
& that's what I want to talk about. & I won't talk about the Love part because too complex & way too spoiler-ish.
Is the Curse. If you want to know about that, read the book.
NOW, brace yourself.
I have to say it. I am the Relationship Runner kind of girl. Specially if I don't feel like... um, you know, Golden Light from heaven & that shit.
Why would I have a hollow relationship? Fuck off, no!
But I WANT to think that even with the Light showering you, when you know you're in love, is fair to run, as long as are clear with the other person & you return whenever your self-issues are healed.
For instance, Kelsey had already run from Ren once; truck-loaded with self issues. Her pain; loneliness; fear; etc.
But she returned to him.
Then, both got fucked by destiny & she wasn't confident enough to hold on & the self issues returned stronger & screwed up. Even when Ren returned to her (& you know he didn't go because of Self Issues), she just couldn't.
That's NOT fair. Shouldn't be legal.
& even MORE illegal, to be with other guy (Kishan) because that seems "safer"... NO!
What's wrong with you, Kelsey??
She says Ren has a Super Hero complex, so (maybe) trying to save her (or, yeah, any other worthless soul, why not?) he would put himself in risk & (probably) DIE. So, if she is NOT with him, if she is with a guy who meh, is okay & nice, he won't die.
*Here, use THIS spot to snort ALL you want. Take the time you need*
...*More time needed? Sure. I'll hold on*...
Well, as I was saying, Kelsey fills the pages with self-pity because the people around her (her parents, her grandma... & just people in general), have the tendency to die.
Gee, Kells, BREAKING NEWS, People DIE. All the TIME!
&, as the Phoenix says, living a life where you fear the loss of your loved ones is a particularly wasted life.
Specially if you parade yourself with your boyfriend in front of the man you love.
In Tiger's Destiny, the Self Issues created by Ren's Amnesia should have had time to HEAL. Kelsey needed time to recover (ALONE) & then decide what to do with Ren or Kishan.
She doesn't do that!
Such thing NEVER happens!! (& I blame Colleen Houck).
That's just WRONG!!!
Because Kishan's like Hey, are we a couple now? At Tiger's Voyage, & Kelsey is all *shrug* Yes. Ren's gone, anyway.
Ren comes back & yeah, she was issued-up, fine. Be conflicted between the guys, you can; pero no te pases(!).
Try to heal, dear. Is called character improvement.
AND THEN, comes malefic Lokesh & kidnaps her.
Talk about self issues.
She was about to start a Long Life of suffering by Lokesh's side, & when the guys rescue her, she's just like, Nailed. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, about mess up the whole saga.
She doesn't heal.
& that's why the characters in this book will need a date with the mans on white.
Now, even if Ren & Anamika would never burn each other, I liked how they spent time together.
Don't take me wrong. I mean that things were really unfair for Ren here. He was really HURT, & I think he had some time of relaxation staying with Anamika all that time.
Good for him.
On the other hand, I LOVED younger Durga. She's not just the goddess known as India's Mother, but also used to be a warrior badass.
Since Tiger's Quest it was very obvious that Kishan was hers... we just didn't know how such thing would happen. So, whenever they meet in the past, it was GREAT the fact that they disliked each other(!)
Cheers for it, I loved their fights!
I just wish there would have been MORE fights & MORE time for them to develop together. Whenever it turned out Anamika needed a tiger, it just seemed forced.
You couldn't really expect them to have a happily ever after together.
Though, I loved how natural Kishan flowed at the usual meeting with Durga at the beginning.
She's sure a smart chick.
But, but, but... Kishan, dear, you are DEAD to me.
So, we already stated Kishan has vision problems, but really, how can he do THAT to his brother?
That's just plain selfish!
He KNOWS how Ren has loved Kelsey since... always. But oh, no. HE's the one who's been lusting over her since ALWAYS, & the one Yesubay (she was named Yesubay, right?) deceived, so sure enough HE MUST deserve Kelsey more than his brother, RIGHT?
Not really.
"Ren CAN get over it". (Kishan Actually says that. A trillion times).
He knows Kelsey has been in a radish-metaphor Love with Ren since ALWAYS too, but oh, no! Hey gorgeous, I'm desperately looking for the meaning of life. & this is my chance, feel sorry for me & be with this guy!
REN HAS TO ACCEPT IT. *Bangs soul against imaginary wall*
Bitch. Please.
& you know which the worst part it? KELSEY DOES SO!
Oh, no! I PROMISED Kishan he would get a Happy ending & he MUST. Even if I have to spend the rest of my worthless life doing SO.
Also, Kishan was the Perfect Bad Boy. Perfect. But he changed his behavior & put himself at Kelsey-level.
Fuck it, that's why I hated him the most. He lost himself for someone else.
That's disturbing.
That means he could never be his true self around Kelsey or the Spell would break.
You guys, my head spins. This is too much.
So, to finish it up, THAT End. Not really what I'd have expected. Of course, was due to happen sooner than later but... er. Well.
I just can't believe Kelsey didn't want the henna tattoo because that brought SAD Memories. *Bitch slap*
Fini. I'm DONE.
Oh, no, WAIT.
Obviously, in this book I HATED Kishan. But one thing really, REALLY unfair for him is that he & Kelsey never had The Talk. The one that says I don't really love you THAT way. See ya!
Kishan stays in the past & he's like Yeah, I know you feel tiny butterflies with Ren, Kelsey, I KNOW. So kiss me Good Bye.
Kelsey NEVER had the mind-fuck guts to go & be HONEST with him (whether he deserved it or not, because he KNEW & didn't want to face it.)
The Love-Triangle was awful, yes. But This book would have had at least 4*'s if, like, at the middle, Kelsey would had dumped Kishan, er, I mean, if by the middle Kelsey would had been honest with Kishan, Ren & Herself.
By this I mean that if she stayed SINGLE the rest of the 4th quest (I mean, if she had said NO to Kishan's marriage proposal, for bitch's sake), focused in the Curse, coming to terms with the insides of her heart later (probably in the past, when they are about to defeat Lockeh hand-by-hand, with Anamika as judge of her action), I wouldn't have raged THIS BAD, because, at least, there wouldn't had been so much Oh, no! drama & self-pity.
To start this, I'll kind of quote This beloved Phrase by Neil Gaiman, from The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones.
“Have you ever wanted to Love a book for its cover? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It biases you and it opens up your Cover Lust and it means that the beautiful cover can get inside your Nook and mess it up. You build up all these TBR Piles, you build up a whole Book Schedule, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid book, no different from any other stupid book, wanders into your stupid life/Nook. You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like cover revel itself or have a Book Day Release, and then your reading experience isn't your own anymore. Beautiful cover takes hostages. It gets inside you. It makes you read it and leaves you crying in the darkness; so simple a phrase like 'I Will Kill The Commander' x100 turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the TBR. It's a soul-Nook-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate Bad Books I Wanted To Love.”
So, yeah.
This pretty much resumes my experience with Defiance. I LOVE the cover (I mean, c'mon, look at it. Is AWESOME): the blurb was catchy; The Plot is weird; the guy is OK... But GODS NO.
Rachel commits such GREAT acts of stupidity I was going mad after mad with her. Whenever she & her stupid emotions should have gone RIGHT, they go WRONG. Not even Left.
Just plain WRONG.
Twice. Based in Anger (& not ever Red-Hot anger, but stupid bad managed emotions.) That kind of ruined the book (at the beginning & near the end).
I just... No. I mean, NO! (BTW, my motto for this book was No, Rachel. Just NO).
Defiance's Develop in a very nerdy Sine Curve
Oh for freaking heaven! Dat end. Is just SO... Okay, personally I don't consider it Cliff-hang, it is more like thought provoking. & holly hell, it has provoked the WORST out of me. *rocking in silence* I can barely deal with my own thoughts!
So, the Golden Lily *waves at the book resting beside me* Damn! *& then I sigh* I liked this book. It was really worth the wait. Well maybe I'm a little annoyed in the fact the the plot was not as strong as the characters. You get me? Of course I'll babble about Sydney & Adrian (Holy Shit, that FEELING) but, seriously, the synthesis of the mysterious people haunting Sonya was quite predictable. At least, for someone like me, that pretends to be a detective with EVERY book I read, that was not so entreating.
But THEN, there is Sydney.
& her little, weird heart.
& the Alchemists beliefs over her back!
& Adrian!!!
I mean, whenever I finished Bloodlines, I had an I want Sydney & Adrian together NOW inner cry, & Golden Lily HAS satisfied it, *hell to the yeah*
Sydney is (almost) my soul-twin! She says OCD & I'm like I know, me too! *Hi5*. Then, of course, I'd have to explain her the implications of Hi-5-ing someone. But, hey, we drink coffee all day, so that makes up for her lack of comprensiveness about social ways & understanding people.
Now, a couple of things happened that made me *face palm*, laugh the tears off my eyes... & both. Plus the swooning Adrian provoked on me~
FIRST THAN anything, Sydney gets a sort of boyfriend! *gasp* Yes, yes I know he's not what we normal people would consider as a "Boyfriend", but those words are worth the shock.
Everything that involved the "dating" was hilarious. This guy Brayden is like her CopyCarbon, so alike. & while I think going out with someone EXACTLY like you is Boring, the un-memorable presence of B-Whatever was worth the crazy reaction of ALL the gang.
“Really, Sage? A date?”
I sighed. “Yes, Adrian. A date.”
“A real date. Not, like, doing homework together,” he added. “I mean like where you go out to a movie or something. And a movie that’s not part of a school assignment. Or about something boring.”
“A real date.”
Then, B-whatever lost all the hilarity after the first date (in a windmill tour, (!? I know)) & that fire-less kiss, when he started acting as himself. That frozen geek. God, I just wanted him to die so Adrian could enter into scene.
Talking about Adrian, I LOVE him! Okay, he is not a badass guardian, but I don't care! Actitud mata carita~ & Adrian has BOTH.
Gee, he might have been obsessed with Rose once, but he's found home! *A little more of swooning* I can't say how much I freaked out -in the good way- because of Adrian.
Ah, shit, Adrian KNOWS perfectly how Sydney feels about vampires.
For Alchemists believes vampires are unnatural, bad, BAD creatures. He accepts this. He'd rather spend time with Sydney doing any random activity because that's way better than not being with her at all.
“Why would you do that? Why would you act like you didn’t know how to drive?”
A million thoughts seemed to cross his mind, none of which he wanted to share. At last, he shook his head in exasperation.
“Isn’t it obvious, Sage? No, of course it isn’t. I did it so I’d have a reason to be around you—one I knew you couldn’t refuse.”
Honestly, I know how much Sydney loves her car, Latte, but who could refuse a 1967 Ford Mustang? I am not particular fan of Mustangs, but I DO have a soft spot for classics! I wouldn't have refused.
Really, how did Sydney expect to have fireworks with B-Whatever whenever her love rests in cars she doesn't even own(?!).
Still, Ms. Terwilliger? I want her as my teacher. Magic Teacher. I just want Sydney to embrace her magicness... or however Ms. Terwilliger calls it. Actually I'm super glad she decided to make this spells, at least because it had to be done.
Magic is NOT bad or unnatural Sydney. It is part of Nature & part of YOU. So get THAT into your compartmentalized head.
Then again, if the Alchemist knew...
Oh, no, no, no; I want to harm ALL Alchemists right NOW. The GOOD thing is, there might be a way for ♥A&S♥ to be together!!! (ejem, Marcus Finch).
The Alchemist can go to hell now, who the freak cares? All we need it to dear Syd to hear her twisted heart. I know you love him, Sydney! You CAN'T fool your twin-soul!!
You see, Sydney doesn't really understand anything the Alchemists have as motto, though for someone like her, all dependable in facts & the exactitude of numbers, is much more easy hold on in what she already has than discovering a new whole truth by her own (one she won't understand that easily). & that's pretty scary, really.
When suddenly your eyes tell you that everything you believed in is not quite true, you can freak out!
But, better be safe than sorry, right Syd?
She believed the worst of Moroi & Damphir... But, BUT how comes she is FRIENDS with them now?
Who is the Monster??
That she cares for them & is willing to go & do all sort of things in her power in order to help them & make sure they are safe? (& she is VERY powerfull)
& not just Jill. Yeah, everything comes to Jill's security, I mean, bitch please that's the plot, but suddenly Sydney thinks of the welfare of *drums roll* Adrian(!). & the rest of the gang, too.
THAT is one of the other things I liked; "Characters Improvement"... aka the motion of their feelings, moving & changing~
Not just Sydney but Eddie too. Ow, poor baby. & Angeline, I liked her!
Oooh, & did I mention THAT end??
“But perhaps the best part of all was that I, Sydney Katherine Sage, guilty of constantly analyzing the world around me, well, I stopped thinking.”
Fuuuu... until she started thinking again. Fuck
That moment when you're feeling too much, thinking too much, you become a freaking idiot. & do ALL sort of idiotic things!
Yeah, I wish Sydney would do this:
But is hard. & I know it. Don't worry, Sydney. We'll hold on 'till the next book. Out hearts SHALL feel better~