Hell-O, I'm Valeria & there is nothing I love more than myself...& books. TV shows! Add food & traveling the whole world at that list.
My reviews? Pseudo reviews. But they are pretty.
This is what you'll get:
Yes, I don’t remember much about html. I’ve been playing around with web pages 5 years ago, so figuring it out took me a while. But things are slowly coming back. I know nobody will read it without pretty pictures, so I’ll provide them, damn it. See how much I love you? (not really, I just don’t want to keep on following strangers, so do me a hugest favour and organize a profile!).
*WARNING: I’m not certain how it’ll work out on other themes. Details may vary.
1. Step one – create a post that will act as your profile.
Just a normal text post. You done? Good. Publish it.
2. Step two– time to add some html code.
Go to your settings.
Open a 'blog’ tab.
Scroll down to:
Click on:
Now, don’t be afraid. Find this bit. (just ctrl+f -> type ‘menu’; it'll take you to the right place)
Now, this is the code you’ll need:
My profile (or whatever you want actual displayed words to be)
So you need a link to your earlier profile post. Find it. Go to your blog page, open this particular post in a new window and copy url.
You end up with something like this:
Now, take that whole piece of code and put it there:
Don’t forget to save:
Now your page should look like this:
Once you click the button it’ll take you to that ‘profile’ post.
There. Now you get a pretty, pretty button consistent with your page and I don't get a feeling like I'm following random people (or being stalked by random people... )